Programul slujbelor din Săptămâna Mare la Biserica Scaune Luni 29 aprilie 2024 ora 7.30 - 9.00 - Spovedit  ora 18.00 - Slujba Deniilor Marți 30 aprilie 2024 ora 7.30 - 9.00 - Spovedit ora 18.00 - Slujba Deniilor Miercuri, 1 mai 2024 ora 7.30 - 9.

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Vă așteptăm, duminică 24 decembrie 2023, după Slujba Sfintei Liturghii, la Serbarea de Crăciun a Parohiei Scaune. Ne vor colinda copii Centrului Sfânta Muceniță Sofia.

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01 Iulie 2020

Brief history

Brief history

The architecture historical monument, the Church Scaune with the Patronages Dormition of the Mother of God and the Nativity of the Mother of God is located in the center of the Capital City, behind Colțea Hospital, at the crossroads of Scaune, Slănic and

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01 Iulie 2020



The interior painting seems to be the original painting of the early 18th century, but its author is not known. Some interventions to the painting made in 1843 when the church was painted 'fresh start' are mentioned in the documents of that time, in 1944

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